
1148528432You want help – but you don’t need therapy.

You’re dealing with stress, experiencing relationship issues, or feeling “stuck” at home or work.

You’d like to improve your confidence and gain a different perspective that lowers your stress and helps you have a more peaceful mind.

There are no clinical issues, and clearly, you don’t exhibit any symptoms that meet the criteria for a formal diagnosis. You’re functioning well and, indeed, are not suffering from pathology.

In short, you’d like to experience greater life satisfaction.

Beware of the insurance trap.

If you seek therapy and use your insurance, the insurance companies require the therapist’s agency to assign a diagnosis to you for them to get paid.

This requirement from insurance agencies could inappropriately saddle you with a clinical diagnosis that will be on your record indefinitely.

If you have a clinical issue, a diagnosis is likely appropriate. If not, it will label you with a condition you don’t have.

Stoa Life Coaching is the solution.

At Stoa Life, we don’t work for insurance companies, giving us the latitude to protect your privacy.

Using our Stoa Life Coaching system, we can help you achieve your goals without the complications of insurance requirements.

1022263045Achieve your goals.

Through our research-confirmed process, you will learn to challenge limiting beliefs, enhance your problem-solving skills, and implement effective strategies for achieving your goals.

As you build your communication skills, you’ll improve your relationships.

After completing the Stoa Life process, our clients report a greater capacity for sustained clarity of mind, peace, and contentment. Stoa Life Coaching is an accessible system that is available to anyone who wants to improve the quality of their lives.

Take the next step; contact us at (863) 450-6333 to set up your free 20-minute phone consultation and learn how our coaching system can help you achieve your goals!