Change Your Trajectory
& Change Your Life

Therapy and Coaching for Individuals and Couples

In-Person in Lakeland and Available Online throughout Florida

Carlie* felt like a shell of herself. Working as a doctor through the pandemic was hard, but the death of her father and an inability to find time to grieve pushed her over the edge. She started making critical mistakes at work and longing for the bottle at the end of the day.

She believed the stress of her work schedule and the death of her father were the sources of her problems. She was entirely unaware that the REAL PROBLEM was her inability to say “no.” Ever since childhood, she worked hard to do what others expected of her. Now, as an adult, she still tries to please everyone.

She spends all of her limited free time supporting others. Her siblings constantly borrow money. Her friends ask favors knowing she’ll always say “yes.” She accepts extra work assignments even when she’s already spread too thin. Carlie feels burnt out, numb, and resentful.

Randle* was devastated when his wife of more than a decade announced she wanted a divorce. She cited his irritability, anger, and distance as the cause. While he acknowledged there may be some truth to her complaint, he couldn’t believe it was enough to end the relationship. But she was insistent and forced him to leave his home.

Now, at 40, he moved back in with his parents. Despite being a successful engineer and respected professional, he felt humiliated and like a failure. He was so defeated and in such pain that he was willing to give in to all of his wife’s divorce demands, no matter how excessive.

But his REAL PROBLEM was his unconscious belief that he might win her back by being generous and compliant. He logically knew the relationship was beyond saving, but a part of him still held out hope that if he did everything his wife asked, she would take him back.

Anne* was always on edge. She was a top performer at her company and held several sales records that were generally considered untouchable. But recently, she’d been experiencing anxiety attacks that left her frightened and confused. Her performance at work began to suffer, and she wasn’t sure what to do.

Years before, she’d become pregnant by her boyfriend Peter, and though they were never serious, they married for the child’s sake. In all the years of their marriage, they lived together and co-parented but never shared the same bedroom. Peter travels for work, and she knows he has relationships with other women.

She believed her anxiety was caused by her work and her unease about her performance. Her REAL PROBLEM was reconciling her traditional views of marriage and parenthood with her longing for an authentically loving relationship. She felt lost.

*These are fictitious names and scenarios used only to illustrate real-life situations.

Something needs to change.

You know things can’t keep going in this direction.

Waiting for things to improve on their own is no longer an option.

Sometimes you worry your situation may be too far gone to save.

There is another way.

It’s time to get the support you need to change that unhealthy trajectory for good.

Our method will help you find and address the REAL PROBLEM preventing you from thriving.

The life you want is achievable, and we can help you start living it.

Hi, and Welcome to Stoa Life.

Together, let’s uncover the root cause of the issues that have you headed in the wrong direction.

Learn how to clarify your thinking and manage your emotions.

Come to a safe space and share with a professional who knows where you are and how to guide you through.

As we work together, gently learn the proven system of sorting through your troubled thoughts and powerful emotions.

Come to understand your own patterns that have led you here and how to change them.

Finally, resolve these issues within yourself and know with confidence the direction you will take going forward. 

Catherine Hunt

I specialize in a style of therapy that is evidence-based, which means it’s been proven in research studies to work and is considered by many to be the gold standard of treatment. Nothing excites me more than to watch the lives of my clients improve!

David Hernandez

I help clients create huge shifts in their lives by using a proven system based on the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model. CBT has been scientifically tested and demonstrated to be highly effective… I am a specialist in this system.

Get the support you need to realize your full potential. Call us now to get started!

“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” -Epictetus

Carlie reached out, and we set to work helping her learn to prioritize herself and her needs. In our sessions, she learned how to set boundaries and the art of the gracious “no.” She let go of the guilt that often comes with success and stopped denying her friends and family their opportunities to grow by caring for themselves. Now, she feels motivated and hopeful.

Randall called and, using the Stoa Life system, we were able to cut through the fog of resentment and guilt. He learned to legitimize the grief process without being paralyzed by it. He decided that although he still loved his wife, he had to take measures to protect his own future. Now, he’s able to navigate his divorce with clarity and calm and make tough decisions with confidence.

Anne was tired of feeling trapped and called us for help. Through our work, she learned to heal the profound guilt and shame about her pregnancy and clarified her values around marriage. As she untangled herself from what was not working, she developed the confidence to change her trajectory and start a new life. Now she’s divorced from Peter and engaged to someone who loves and appreciates her.

Take back control.

We helped Carlie, Randall, and Anne rediscover peace and purpose in their lives, and we can do the same for you.

Get in touch now, and let’s embark on the first step of your healing journey today!