About Stoa Life

At Stoa Life, we want to know your story.

225632023And we want to help.

We’ll start our first meeting by listening and carefully checking in to ensure we understand. Once you’re comfortable that we get it, we’ll explain our system and how we anticipate your sessions will unfold.

How are we different?

Unlike many other therapy styles, ours method is transparent. We explain and teach the techniques and approaches utilized to get you feeling better.

We use plain language and not clinical jargon as you learn how to heal yourself.

We don’t stay focused on your past.

While your past is significant, we focus on those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the present that are keeping you stuck. Any problematic issues from your past will make themselves apparent in the present, and we will deal with them as they come up.

796708258There’s no mystery.

We work with transparency and teach you our methods and techniques so you can apply them for yourself in the future.

Our goal is that you never need therapy again. You’ll know why and how to treat yourself when you feel bad.

What’s a “Stoa?”

The word “Stoa” comes from the Greeks, and it means porch or portico. This is the place where the ancient philosophers gathered to do their thing.

The Stoa Life System combines Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with the timeless principals of the philosophy of Stoicism.

What is Stoicism?

Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that focuses on achieving inner calm and explores how to live one’s best life. The modern definition of a stoic person implies the individual is without emotion. This is not the case with the philosophy of Stoicism.

The Stoics refined methods for dealing with complex thoughts and painful emotions. Stoicism also addresses how to deal with challenges calmly and set healthy boundaries. The Stoics understood that we can find happiness within ourselves rather than relying on external things and circumstances. This results in the feeling of tranquility and clarity of mind.

Today, Stoicism is everywhere – adopted by world leaders, elite athletes, and captains of industry. It’s popular because it provides an approach to achieving self-mastery, psychological resilience, and inner clarity and peace.

1219243366What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

CBT is the most validated and effective therapy modality available today. The theoretical roots of CBT lie in Stoicism.

CBT is a relatively short therapy process that focuses on how our thoughts impact our feelings and behaviors.

Our approach is unique.

Our approach to CBT is highly structured and goal-oriented.

We chose CBT as our primary therapy modality because it’s practical, easy to understand, and has been scientifically researched and validated for its effectiveness.

CBT is considered the gold standard of treatment for most therapeutic issues.

Hi, we’re David and Catherine.

We have had the privilege of implementing the Stoa Life System into our lives and have helped thousands of clients experience its life-changing benefits.

We’re ready to teach you our system and help you feel better!

To get started, call us for your free 20-minute consultation.